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Pomeroy Conservation District *Employees*
Duane Bartels after 32 years of service is stepping down as the district manager. He will continue to operate the grader when needed for terrace, waterway and road work.  He and his wife Myrna have 2 grown children and 6 grandchildren. He has been with the district since 1989 and was a past supervisor of 10 years.  
This page was last updated: July 13, 2023



Gary Ausman is the Area Engineer for our SE Washington area.  He covers Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Palouse, Rock Lake, Steven's Co., Pend Oreille, Lincoln, Pine Creek, Pomeroy, Walla Walla, and Whitman Conservation Districts. Gary is married and has five children. 
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]


Lance Frederick was recently promoted to District Administrator.  Lance will continue handling the CREP program and other duties in the District.  Lance was born and raised in Garfield County. He attended college at Spokane Community College of Natural Resources and Fire Science.  He has worked for the Federal Government for the past 11 years and has a great knowledge of Garfield County. 
email: [email protected]